Unlocking the possibilities with a Med-Pass Unlimited partnership means meeting the demands of consumers world-wide while obtaining a firm grasp on the future of innovation. With many OTC Brands turning their attention to new packaging trends and technology, Med-Pass Unlimited places brands at the head of a competitor’s standpoint with leading medical device technology.

Replacing standard and conventional drug packaging with more advanced dispensers lets consumers know they are the primary focus. With a reinvented appearance that combines simplicity, form and function an OTC brand gains maximum visibility, prominence and distinction which speaks volumes on a shelf.

A twist or push of a cap dispenses the OTC drug for ultimate convenience. With a design that’s more economical and functional, making physical contact with unused OTC tablets, pills or capsules is no longer required. Both the OTC medication and consumer receive invaluable protection as the safety and ease at which an OTC drug may be taken increases.

The consumption of OTC drugs should be a relieving, worry-free process and that’s where Med-Pass Unlimited steps in. The future of packaging and medical devices is an exciting one and Med-Pass Unlimited is proud to be taking the reins. We look forward to all of the possibilities our partnerships will create.

Unlocking the possibilities with a Med-Pass Unlimited partnership means meeting the demands of consumers world-wide while obtaining a firm grasp on the future of innovation. With many OTC Brands turning their attention to new packaging trends and technology, Med-Pass Unlimited places brands at the head of a competitor’s standpoint with leading medical device technology.

Cons of Standard Packaging:

  • No automatic dispense

  • Possibility of contamination upon retrieving drug

  • Limited humidity and light resistance material

  • Possibility of loss or spill upon removal of cap

Pros of Med-Pass Unlimited Packaging:

  • Humidity and Light Resisting Packaging

  • Automatic Dispense

  • Elimination of drug contamination

  • Prevention of loss or spill with semi-permanent cap

  • Packaging with dual functionality and distributing systems available